Active birth courses
I teach Active Birth courses based on the model of Childbirth International. During these courses, you will learn at least two breathing techniques, numerous non-pharmaceutical pain relief options, you will try various birth positions. Upon completion of the course, participants know the birth process, the hospital practices and procedures and have a personal birth plan. The group will remain in touch after the course and we will keep discussing questions and concerns as they come up.
All courses of Heart to Heart are based on the Childbirth International (CBI) curriculum. The instructor is a Childbirth International certified doula and childbirth educator.
The core course consists of 4 modules, 3 hours each. Some (or all) modules can be covered online if necessary. An individual course will differ from a group one in the duration of the modules; modules are usually about 2 to 2 and a half hours long if we work individually (with one couple only).
The price is 400 BGN per couple for an individual course, and 180 BGN per couple for a group course.
You can choose modules and pay per module, if you prefer so. For both the individual and the group options you can choose to only cover some of the four modules, or add other topics that interest you.
Here are the birth stories of two women who completed the course with their partners (unfortunately in Bulgarian only, I hope someone – or google translate – can help you with the translation).
Course structure:
Module 1: Birth
What happens during labor and birth
How the pelvis functions
How birth sounds
How birth looks
The needs of a birthing woman
Module 2: Birth toolkit
Fear and tension during birth
Breathing as a strategy
Pain relief
Discussing options with the medical staff
Other tools
What if… (possible scenarios)
Module 3: Choices for birth
Who chooses?
Active vs expectant management
Usual procedures and interventions. Cascade of interventions.
Dealing with difficult situations (scenarios)
Birth plan
Topics of your choice
Module 4: breastfeeding and early parenthood
How breastfeeding works
Is this normal?
Positioning at the breast
Common difficulties
My baby is crying
General information about the courses of Heart to Heart
Philosophy: CBI’s childbirth educators do not just want you to remember a bunch of facts about birth. We believe you need to have develop an understanding of the facts and practical skills that you can easily apply during the birth.
Course objectives:
- To privide parents with skills they can use during pregnancy, birth and the early months of parenthood.
- To give future parents an opportunity to share their fears and concerns and to find a way to deal with them,
- To provide information and skills tat help particiapants defend their choices and decisions.
- To build friendly relationships between participants, so they can continue to support each other after the end of the formal course.
Each course is interactive and practical. The information presentedis evidence-based.
Who is this course for?
First-time parents, or parents who would like to have a different birth experience this time over.
Important note:
To Childbirth International, active learning is key, and participants are an active part of the educational process. So do expect lots of discussions and interaction.
Most materials that you will receive during the course are property of Childbirth International. They have been developed for our clients and cannot be copied or distributed in any form.
Sounds good? Contact me
- by phone 0885 210 764
- by e-mail at
- through my Facebook page.
and let’s get started!